What hours are you available?
We are available during normal business hours, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Between January 15 to April 15 you may also contact us on Saturdays, 9 am to 5 pm.
If these times are not convenient, we would be happy to make an evening or weekend appointment for you.
What information do you need to prepare my income tax return?
Here’s a short list that should cover most situations:
- A copy of your most recently filed tax return. Federal and State Returns.
- Birthdates for everyone listed on your return.
- Best contact number
- Email address
Financial Information
- W-2’s
- 1099 INT’s
- 1099 DIV’s
- 1099B’s (if stock sales have occurred)
- 1099 MISC’s (if self-employed)
- K-1’s
- 1098’s for mortgage interest
- Real estate and personal property tax bills
- Contribution records
- Medical expenses,
- Investment interest incurred
- Rental property income & expenses
- Farm income & expenses (if applicable).